New Content

Two new content categories have recently been added to the InterNova homepage:

The World SF News – somewhat inspired by Lavie Tidhar’s defunct World SF Blog that has run from 2009 to 2013 – are as yet still in an embryonic state but we are building up a team of correspondents that will keep us up-to-date about the latest sf news from their countries and regions, covering publications, translations, events, and personal matters.

The World SF Link Collection is a growing collection of links to surveys, author homepages, club and association websites, references sources etc. of importance for the science fiction production of regions, countries and cultural spheres all over the world. It’s far from raising any claim of completeness but it will be extended constantly and we hope that over time the initial content will grow into a reliable and comprehensive information source for reading and studying global science fiction.

Both categories can be accessed at the bottom of the right hand sidebar.

Editorial changes with Nova

The editorial staff of InterNova’s German sister magazine Nova is facing some changes that are also important for InterNova. Nova#33, due to be published in the second half of this year, will be the last issue that Michael K. Iwoleit has compiled as a fiction editor. With Nova #34 he will hand over his post to experienced editor Marianne Labisch, assisted by Yvonne Tunnnat, and focus his editorial work on InterNova online & print and on the new book series Cutting Edge that’s intended to present the best of speculative fiction in German and selected works by outstanding international writers to a wider audience beyond the science fiction scene.

InterNova #4 preview

We have just started proofreading for the fourth issue of InterNova online and expect to upload the issue between late April and mid May. Edited in collaboration with translator Michael Shreve it will be a theme issue about French science fiction this time, with short stories by Jacques Barbéri, Jean-Claude Dunyach, Claude Ecken, Pierre Pelot and Jean-Louis Trudel, two rediscovered classics by Maurice Renard and José Moselli and an exclusive update of Jean-Claude Dunyach’s well-known “Hitch Hiker’s Guide to French Science Fiction”.

We have further theme issues about the science fiction of India, Romania and Germany in preparation.

E-books available for free download

p.machinery, publisher of the coming printed edition of InterNova, has made InterNova online #1 available as a fine e-book for free download. A zip archive with a pdf file as well as e-books in the formats epub, mobi und azw3 can be downloaded here.

We owe a special thanks to Krischan Seipp who has allowed us to reuse his classic layout template. It will also be used for InterNova print.