New Content

Two new content categories have recently been added to the InterNova homepage:

The World SF News – somewhat inspired by Lavie Tidhar’s defunct World SF Blog that has run from 2009 to 2013 – are as yet still in an embryonic state but we are building up a team of correspondents that will keep us up-to-date about the latest sf news from their countries and regions, covering publications, translations, events, and personal matters.

The World SF Link Collection is a growing collection of links to surveys, author homepages, club and association websites, references sources etc. of importance for the science fiction production of regions, countries and cultural spheres all over the world. It’s far from raising any claim of completeness but it will be extended constantly and we hope that over time the initial content will grow into a reliable and comprehensive information source for reading and studying global science fiction.

Both categories can be accessed at the bottom of the right hand sidebar.