
Main editors

Michael K. Iwoleit was born in Düsseldorf in 1962 and now lives in Wuppertal. Since the mid Eighties he is active as writer, translator, critic, and editor mostly in the science fiction field. He is co-founder and co-editor of the German sf magazine Nova and founder and editor of InterNova. His fiction has appeared in translation in Croatia, Poland, Italy, England, and USA. He is especially known for his novellas for which he won the German Science Fiction Award five times and the Kurd Laßwitz Award twice. His latest book is the novel Der Moloch.




Nicole Ashfield is a student born in Canada and lives in New Brunswick where she attends university for her Bachelor of Arts. She is an avid reader and does some of her own writing as a hobby when she finds the time. She believes there is no world where reading is not a prominent part of her everyday life.






Tasha Bajpai is a student who spends her free time reading and creating art. When she started reading as a hobby, the exploration of different cultures and ways of thinking changed her. Creativity is her happy place, and though she is taking the science path, she cannot imagine a future without stories and art.






Adriana Kantcheva, born in Bulgaria, now living in the Black Forest region of southern Germany, is a writer of speculative fiction. She dips toes into several tributaries of the genre, from literary spec to epic fantasy to sci-fi to no spec. Writing has always been in the background of all her activities. She started writing in primary school and finished her first novella at the age of twelve. She is an associate member of SFWA, a Codexian, and had recently had her first go at being a panelist. Check out her wLog to learn what she has been up to lately and the links to her published works, some of which are free to access.




Editorial helpers


Hephaestion Christopoulos is confused: part engineer, part translator, part aspiring linguist and part hopeless bassist. He also writes. He has published two short story collections in Greek and has participated in several anthologies. His latest book The Whales on the Moon mixes realism with speculative elements and has received positive reviews. His novella A Precambrian Discourse on Filipassianism is forthcoming in 2023 from Raven Canticle Press. He lives in Athens with five women, only three of which are furry. You can find him on Twitter @CompsonsCurse. Hephaestion runs our Facebook page.